Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 1

I have decided to adopt the Paleo diet for the next 40 days as a way to a.) cut my dependence on carbs, b.) loose weight for my best friend's wedding (those pictures will last forever!) and c.) reinvent my approach to eating. I will be blogging for 40 days but I plan to make the "diet" into a life style switch. On day 40 I'll tell you weather or not I can keep going, have lost weight, and have kicked my nasty carb habit. Until then, I'll be posting pictures of the food I eat, recipes I come up with, research I've found helpful and ways I have over come some of the modern day challenges to eating this way.

Today is my first day of eating like a caveman. I had eggs (yuck!) for breakfast, a nectarine mid-morning, a huge bowl of carrots, cucumber, and red pepper with a spring mix salad for lunch. I've discovered that lemon juice, olive oil, and black pepper makes a wonderfully fresh salad dressing. I plan to have grilled chicken and salad for dinner.

Day 1 progress, good so far. I'm hungry but hopefully that will pass with time. Discovered the hardest part of today is not having coffee. I've lived on coffee since I was in high school, I drink it every morning. Today I had Green Tea. Green Tea is not the same as coffee but maybe I'll grow to love it. I'll let you know.

Be sure to check back for more postings from me on my Paleo journey. Wish me luck!