Wednesday, June 28, 2006

jingle jingle

jingle is the sound my new charm braclet makes. i collected these charms from all over the country this past year and my wonderful mother had them all put on a braclet for me. it is fabulous. its big and nosy and flashy. i love it. i feel like i never want to take it off. im sure i will eventually and it is sometimes hard to use the mouse with it on. still im very happy i went looking for charms at all the schools i visisted it was well worth the effort.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

i am a temp

being a tem is quite nice. no one actually asks you to do anything or thinks you know anything. so i sit around all day reading or playing on the internet and no one bothers me. occasionally the phone rings or someone comes off the elevator but the general day is very slow. now i realize this is not perhaps the best career path but it is certinatly working out well for now.

Monday, June 26, 2006

this is not summer

as predicted rain all weekend and all week. i am rapidly loosing my tan and it is almost the 4th of july. even in maine we are supposed to see stead sunshine about now. i realize it is a tundra in the winter but it truly usually gets quite nice and warm in the summer. hopfully this will be the last week/weekend of rain for a while. i wish we had a drought. maybe next month!

even though it was raininy and gross i could have barly noticed since i sepent the entire day saturday in my basement with my mom. she is cleaning out and decided she needed my help. no as much fun as you can imagine this was, i would prefer not to have to do it ever again. i still feel like i have basement filth all over me and i have taken numerous showers since the wonderful day. we did get alot accomplished however and i now have a better idea of what exactly we will have to move when the house sells. i don't have as much as aniticipated however i seriously doubt an apartment will have enough closet space to hold all my junk. maybe i can use some of it as makeshift furnature for a while since i will not be aquireing any of that for a while.

seems to me that my basement/rainiy weekend was a success even though i am pale as a ghost and sill kind of musty!

Friday, June 23, 2006


i have come to realize that i have forgotten what friday means. it used to mean happy hour, or weekend, or sleep. but this past year friday ment nothing to me. it just ment i had another day of work and a lonly night ahead of me. i would like to rediscover the joys of friday however i appear to have no friends that value the day/night either. they all have to work tomorrow and i dont. so maybe i will go to a happy hour by my self (creepy i know) and make a new friend who appreciates the joys of a sunny friday after noon in the summer!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

the united states of america

since i have not written in my blog for over a year i will begin to explain where i have been. i am a world traveler, well a US traveler at least. i have visited 18 states (NY, TN, GA, OH, IN, Il, IA, MI, SD, KS, MO, TX, LA, OK, CA, AZ, SC) and 20 universities. I have met hundreds of people and lived every day out of my suit case. it has been tough but good. and now i am done. i am ready to start my career. i have no idea where or when but i am ready.

one of the most interesting places i visited this year was south dakota at the south dakota school of mines and technology. the women in the chapter are very nice and they live a short ride from mount rushmore. i was able to visit this wonderful us monument while i visited the school. the heads were much bigger than i expected, i was kind of shocked it is quite realistic. i was very impressed. i did all the genereal tourist things, like watch the movie about its making and visist the gallery along with getting my picture taken with the heads in the backgroud. it was a fabulous trip. and now i will not have to ever make a special trip to south dakota just to see it. i was very pleased.

everywhere i went in our great united states was very interesting. the new cultures, the way people talk, even sense of humor seemed to change by place. now this was quite hard for me, because i am quite sarcastic at times and i sometimes got myself into trouble trying to joke with the people. i learned from my mistakes however and moved on. all in all it was a great year and i would'nt trade the experience for anything.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

i have returned from a long journey

yes, i realize it has been over a year since my last post but today is a new day. i have become a temp. now as glamourous as this sounds it is really quite easy. i have a computer that is to high with an opperating system that is about 5 years old that will not allow me to check my email. the office is quite nice and the people however apprently stressed are forgiving. it is right accross the street from my dad's office, so there is hope for paid lunches once in a while and the phone rings about twice an hour.

now somone may wonder why i am doing this since i have a degree that is worth $120,000 from THE george washington university. well because however pretentious THE george washington university is, it is completely unable to assist me in finding a job. i have been to about 20 states this year and visitited about 20 colleges however no one seems to think this is an asset.

so today is the first day of my working summer. where it will be beautiful every day i have to go to work and rainy and cold every day i do not. that is the way of summer in maine. but im here, hopefully enjoying my time and more consistantly writing in my blog. until tomorrow...